Many scientists are found that, This universe the very large thing than we expected. And they tells that we had parllel universe and Multiverse also. 

Fig 1. 

According to Quantum physics every object is a vibrational energy. When some amount of Energy added it turns into atom. Atoms forms molecules and molecules forms Objects. This is the theory behind formation of objects in Quantum Physics. 

So, according to quantum physics The whole universe is an Energy. 

In quantum terms scientists believes that Multi-Universe and Parallel Universes are actually exist. 

Fig. 2:-  The Multiverse

Quantum Physics

Quantum physics was discovered in 19th century. Niels Bhor and Max Planck these two are regarded as the fathers of Quantum Physics. 
They discovered Quantum physics in the late of 1800 or in the first of 1900.
And the Quantum physics is probably proven. 

So scientists are declared the declared that we has Multi-Universe and Parallel universe. And they also said that the universe is More than Infinity. And it doesn't have any limits, today. 
Although, All this stuff was discovered in 19th century. 
But the concept of Multiverse explained 5000 years ago in Mahabharat ( one of the major Hindu text) 

Yes. The concept of Multiverse was explained by Lord Krishna ( one the major god in Hinduism) to the Lord Brahma (one of the member in three supreme gods called Trimurthy in Hinduism). 

According to Hinduism Brahma is the first Human in the universe. 
Multiverse and Parallel universe concepts are explained in Sanatan Dharm☸️ (Hinduism). 

The Story

One fine day, when krishna is in his palace in Dwaraka. Brahma come to meet krishna. Brahma tells the gatekeeper, “Tell krishna that Brahma has come". Gatekeeper comes to krishna and says Brahma has came to meet you. Then krishna tells the gatekeeper to ask which Brahma had came. Gatekeeper come to Brahma and asks him which Brahma you are?. 
Brahma was surprised about that question. Brahma doesn't understand. He thinks that what is the point of this question. 
After sometime he tells the gatekeeper, “Iam four headed brahma". Then gatekeeper comes to krishna and tell that four headed Brahma had arrived to meet you. Krishna says to the gatekeeper to sent him inside. 
Brahma come to krishna and asks, why you asked me that which Brahma iam. Because this universe has only one Brahma and that's me. Then what is the reason behind in asking me that which Brahma you are?. 
Krishna laughed and said , The universe is more than infinity. And there are many universes and every universe has it's own Brahma. Brahma got confused. He didn't understand about Krishna's words. Krishna called all Brahmas from all universes. There are so many Brahmas in krishnas palace. In this universe the brahma is four headed. But there are 20 headed brahma and 19 headed brahma and 1200 headed brahma and 2 headed brahma are also exist in different universes. There are 1 to infinity headed Brahmas are there from different universes. 
Fig 3. Krishna explaining Multiverse to the Lord Brahma. 

Four headed Brahma gets shocked and understand that this Universe is boundless.

Conclusion :-  In Sanatan Dharm there are so many scientific topics that explained long ago. The knowledge and wisdom in the universe was given in the form of Vedas and Puranas in Sanatan Dharm🔯

Thank you for reading.❤

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