
History of YouTube

Evolution of  Giant: A Brief History of YouTube Introduction: YouTube, the video-sharing behemoth that has become an integral part of our online experience, has a fascinating history that traces its roots back to early 2005 . Founded by three former PayPal employees – Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim – YouTube was envisioned as a platform where users could easily share and discover videos. Now a days many people are earning knowledge and money from through this platform. YouTube is the best platform for watching videos, it is a major social media platform, where videos get viral instantly. It becomes a part in our everyday life. In this article we'll explore the history of YouTube, Creation and evolution of this magnificent platform.  The Birth of YouTube: Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim Launched on February 14, 2005 , the first-ever video uploaded on YouTube was entitled " Me at the zoo " by Jawed Karim . This seemingly mundane video marked the beginni

The Forgotten Genius [ NIKOLA TESLA]

 The Forgotten Genius [Nikola Tesla]: Unraveling His Life and Legacy Nicola Tesla Hello readers, on celebrating our first anniversary, I am here with the article of my favorite scientist Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla, a name synonymous with innovation and brilliance, carved a distinctive path in the landscape of science and technology during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As we unravel the life and legacy of this visionary inventor, we delve into the fascinating journey of a man whose genius reshaped the way we harness and understand electricity. Early Years and Education: Born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, Croatia (then part of the Austrian Empire), Tesla exhibited an early proclivity for invention and experimentation. His formal education began at the Technical University of Graz and later led him to study engineering at the University of Prague. However, Tesla's journey truly unfolded when he immigrated to the United States in 1884, carrying little more than a letter of re


 Exploring the Mysteries of Time Dilation Time Dilation Introduction: After the long time, we are here to explore a  science concept that deals with Space and Time. Space and Time are the most mysterious things in this universe, as well as universe too. These two are still remains as an undefined things. So, we are here to explore the concept of Time Dilation, Theory of relativity, that deals with both Space and Time. Time, a concept that governs our daily lives, has long been a subject of fascination and intrigue. In the realm of physics, one of the most mind-bending phenomena related to time is known as time dilation. This concept, rooted in Einstein's theory of relativity, challenges our traditional understanding of time and space. In this article, we will embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of time dilation, exploring its origins, implications, and the profound impact it has on our perception of the universe. Understanding the Basics: At its core, time dilation is a co


Exploring the Mesozoic Menagerie: A Guide to Different Types of Dinosaurs 2 Introduction:  Embark on a captivating journey through the realms of time as we delve into the astounding diversity of dinosaurs, the magnificent rulers of Earth's prehistoric past. From the towering giants to the swift and agile, dinosaurs evolved into an array of forms, adapting to varied ecosystems and climates. In this exploration, we will uncover the unique characteristics and features that defined different types of dinosaurs, ranging from the fearsome carnivores to the gentle herbivores, each contributing to the rich tapestry of life during the Mesozoic era. In previous article we explored some species of Dinosaurs. In this article we'll explore other remaining species of dinosaurs. Join us in unraveling the mysteries of these ancient creatures, as we traverse the landscapes they once roamed, bringing to life the incredible variety of shapes, sizes, and behaviors that made dinosaurs true marvels


The Mesozoic Menagerie: A Guide to Different Types of Dinosaurs Types of Dinosaurs Introduction: Dinosaurs, the captivating giants of the Mesozoic era, continue to captivate our imagination. Mesozoic era is always an interesting era because of dinosaurs, everybody loves dinosaurs, even kids. Even the people who don't like studies are also more curious when the topic is about dinosaurs and it's era's stuff, and this stuff is influencing and hypnotizing us from many years, from when the bones of dinosaurs were discovered. So, we are here to give you the more stuff about dinosaurs. This topic is divided into 2 parts for better understanding. Let us go to the topic, From towering predators to gentle herbivores, the diversity of these ancient creatures is truly astounding. In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of dinosaurs and explore various types that once roamed the Earth. 1. Theropods - The Predators Therapods Physical Features: 1. Bipedal Structure : T

Chandrayaan-3: India's Next Leap in Lunar Exploration [ The Success ]

Chandrayaan-3: India's Next Leap in Lunar Exploration Chandrayan-3 Introduction: After the failure of Chandrayan-2. India whole goes into the endless grief. But people never lost hope on the idea of ISRO and ISRO too. But India's resilience power is too high. When we were sad about failing of the mission chandrayan-2, then ISRO announced the the statement about Chandrayan-3 on 14th July 2023. India's space endeavors have been consistently making strides, and the upcoming Chandrayaan-3 mission is set to be another remarkable chapter in the country's space exploration journey. Building on the success of its predecessors, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up for its third lunar exploration mission.  Background: Chandrayaan-1, launched in 2008, marked India's entry into lunar exploration and achieved significant success with the discovery of water molecules on the Moon's surface. Chandrayaan-2, launched in 20

India's Remarkable Lunar Mission Chandrayaan-2 [ The Failure ]

Chandrayaan-2: India's Remarkable Lunar Mission  Chandrayan-2 Introduction: Not only Indians but also Most of the people in every country knew about Chandrayaan-2. It is India's second lunar exploration mission, stands as a testament to the nation's burgeoning space capabilities. Launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), this ambitious project aimed to further our understanding of the Moon and solidify India's position in the global space exploration arena. People knew that what are the things that Chandrayaan-2 discovered even it was a failure. In this article, we delve into the key aspects of Chandrayaan-2, from its inception to groundbreaking discoveries. Chandrayaan-2 Mission Overview  1. Launch and Objectives: Chandrayaan-2 blasted off on July 22, 2019 , atop a GSLV Mk III rocket , marking a significant milestone in India's space endeavors. The primary objectives of the mission included studying lunar topography, mineral composition, exosphere,