
Showing posts with the label The operator

The Operator ( The Mind )

 The Operator who operates the whole system ( body ) is Human Brain.  Do you know how powerful the Human Mind is?  In this Article I'll tell you some interesting points and Facts about our Mind.  Remember one thing Iam telling few points only, because it is not possible to describe the whole functioning of Mind.  Whenever we research, every time we get new things about the human Mind.  So, it is not possible to tell you the power of Mind in one Article. Even in Million Articles we cannot describe about our Mind.  According to me human brain is an insane and wonderful creature in this universe. Human is also a wonderful creature.  Are you thinking it's a false accusation?  Then question yourself 1.Who is pumping your blood with perfect pressure for you to survive?? 2.Who is controlling our blood pressure and transfers to the heart??  3.who is controlling your heart beat??  4.who is maintaining your body temperature to keep you health...