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Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Norse Mythology The Asgard Introduction: When the topic is about religion and myths, many people raise the names of Christianity, Islam, Sanatan Dharm, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, these are the most popular religions among the world. In this religions except Sanatan Dharm, all religions are born about to 2,500 years ago. But there are some ancient religions were existed in this world before 2,500 years ago only. Some of those religions like Norse, Greek, Egypt mythologies are unknown and disappeared today, nobody is worshipping that gods. And Norse is also of the disappeared mythology. And now I'll tell you the interesting things about Norse religion. Norse mythology was rooted in the ancient stories of the Scandinavian people, is a captivating tapestry woven with tales of gods, giants, and legendary creatures. In this article we'll explore the rich and complex world, we uncover a fascinating array of myths that have not only shaped the cultural i