
Showing posts with the label Leonardo da Vinci more than an artist

The Renaissance Man: The eminence of Leonardo da Vinci

The Renaissance Man: The eminence of Leonardo da Vinci  Introduction: Leonardo da Vinci   Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance, a period known for its emphasis on a well-rounded education and the rediscovery of classical ideals. In previous article we explored the Timeless Marvel, a great art, the painting of Mona Lisa . Check the previous article, if you do not read it. Leonardo da vinci is the artist who made the great art of Mona Lisa, not only that, he is the architect of many great arts. Not only in art, his name will greatly known for his philosophies, inventions and many things. That's why he was called as Renaissance Man . A " Renaissance Man " is someone who excels in a wide variety of subjects, and Leonardo da Vinci is perhaps the most celebrated example. His exceptional range of talents, encompassing art, science, engineering, and invention, continues to inspire and influence even today.  Artistic Prodigy of Leonardo da Vinci Leona